How to Stop Overeating (Without Counting Calories)
How to eat smarter and lose weight in the process. Fine tune your eating habits.
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How to Find Your Flow
When is the last time you completely lost yourself in an activity?
Maybe you were mastering a yoga pose, learning a new song, or testing your lim...
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How to Improve Your Memory (Get Your Sleep!)
Of all the sophisticated processes our brain automates behind the scenes – and we often take for granted – I think the most miraculous is memory.
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What is Mindfulness? (And How it Changes Your Brain)
Over the past decade, mindfulness meditation has stormed into mainstream consciousness, touted as a one-way ticket to mental and physical optimization.
If you’re a skeptical onlooker, suspicious that the benefits are overhyped, you’re probably asking: are these claims backed by science?
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Weight Gain
Among my most painful memories from university is the feeling of panic that consumed me two weeks into my third year. Taking five heavy courses and...
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Will Nutrigenomics Revolutionize the Field of Nutrition Science?
For decades, opposing nutritional camps have quarreled over what constitutes a healthy diet. The Zone, Atkins, and Paleo diets are just a few examp...
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How to Meditate Properly (The Subtle Art of Paying Attention)
I begin each day in an unusual way.
After silencing my alarm and crawling out of bed, I stagger to my desk and set a timer for ten minutes. I sit d...
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About our editorial team:
The TWC Editorial team is comprised of various wellness practitioners from physiotherapists, acupuncturists, fitness instructors, herbalists, and MDs. This article does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. Terms of Service