Does Your Child Really Need all Those Vaccines?

Does Your Child Really Need all Those Vaccines?

 How to have this conversation with your child’s doctor

Each year as school starts, a new vaccine schedule is rolled out. The amount is staggering. Children are exposed to more vaccines than ever. This year, avian influenza, mpox, and the most recent booster of COVID vaccines with be making their rounds. (along with the usual schedule)

How to Advocate for your child- their health depends on it

There are a multitude of intimidation tactics that are used to coerce and scare parents/guardians into their child getting vaccinated. It is up to you to become informed and not buy into all the hype.

  • How do you know if these vaccines are necessary, or even required?
  • What are your rights as a parent when it comes to vaccine mandates? How do you file exemptions?
  • What kind of exemptions are honored in your state?
  • Does your state require vaccinations if your child is homeschooled?
  • What is informed consent and how do you exercise your child’s rights under this?

“Their “science is not to be trusted- they have a horrible track record

Trusting “their science”: has proven to be detrimental, and in some cases fatal when it comes to vaccines.

Take the recent COVID-19 vaccine (gene therapy) which has many adverse reactions, including death. More information is coming out that natural immunity is longer lasting than the shot. (Natural immunity is over 20 months, the vaccine is required every couple of months)

  • In 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 94 percent of COVID-19-related related-deaths occurred in persons over age 65 and individuals with underlying health conditions.
  • Serious adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines include myocarditis and pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), ischemic stroke, TTS,32 shingles33, Graves’ Disease (an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid), blood clots, acute myocardial events, kidney disorders, erythema multiforme (allergic skin reaction characterized by red, raised, symmetrical areas over the entire body), Central Nervous System (CNS) Demyelination, including multiple sclerosis (MS), Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS), tinnitus, prion disease (a rare, fatal, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy), organ transplant rejection, anaphylaxis, and death. (Excerpt taken from NVIC website)

Before you walk into that clinic, the first step is:

Get Educated and ask questions

If you are looking for vaccine exemptions, the American College of Physicians (ACP) is not your friend. They support the elimination of exemptions except for isolated medical reasons.

Each state has its unique set of rules and exemptions. There are basically 3 different exemptions allowed: medical, religious, and philosophical/conscientious/personal belief exemptions. Depending on the state, your state may allow all three, or as in the case of California, only medical exemptions are allowed.

Ask yourself:

  • Do the risks outweigh the benefits- is the vaccine proven to decrease or eliminate the disease it is “protecting” against compared to getting sick and acquiring natural immunity?
  • How do you seek exemptions from vaccines?
  • What are alternatives to getting vaccinated? (Prevention, supplements and if necessary, over-the-counter and prescription medications)


  • Peter McCullough on Courageous Discourse (Substack) contains a wealth of information on vaccinations and health topics. He is the world’s authority and most published author on Covid 19. Interviews, podcasts, and peer-reviewed papers can be found on this site. A recent interview on his site is worth a watch: Vaccine Ideology, COVID-19, Avian Influenza, Excessive Childhood Vaccination, Transgender Madness.
  • World Council for Health offers resources and guides for making informed health decisions, including vaccinations.
  • The National Vaccine Information Center is a clearinghouse of all things vaccine-related. Their site includes information on all states laws, current legislation introduced, each vaccine is listed in detail, side effects, and how to advocate for your child.
  • Children’s Health Defense, a longtime advocate for reeling in big pharma has a wealth of information on vaccine injury and other health-related topics.
  • Informed consent is the legal and ethical obligation of medical practitioners in the US to inform the patient through documentation of:
  • The nature of the procedure (in this case, vaccination)
  • The risks and benefits of the procedure
  • Reasonable alternatives (this is rarely discussed at the clinic visit for vaccination)
  • Risks and benefits of alternatives
  • Assessment of the patient’s (or caregiver/parent’s) understanding of all the prior elements.

Once educated, compile the information

Being well-informed before entering the clinic will enable you to feel confident in your choice and decisions regarding vaccination.

  • Go in prepared. Know the laws in the state you reside in, and have exemptions, and other materials preprinted for the doctor/care provider to sign.
  • Don’t be adversarial. This will put the doctor or care provider on the defensive. Nothing is ever accomplished by doing this. Reserve your offensive posture as a last resort.
  • Depending on the relationship with your child’s doctor as far as vaccination status is concerned, present material supporting your choices. Be respectful and listen to their concerns and opinions.
  • Don’t be intimidated or coerced into scare tactics. The pharmaceutical lobby is the most powerful one in the nation, employing psychological tactics to get parents (and the public) to submit.
  • Once you have presented your reasons, depending on the state you live in, have the exemption forms you printed off available for review and the doctor/care provider to sign.
  • If you are met with skepticism, intimidation or threatened with child neglect/abuse, leave immediately and seek a care provider that aligns with your values. Your child’s health (and possibly their life) depends on it.

Written By Brooke Lounsbury

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The TWC Editorial team is comprised of various wellness practitioners from physiotherapists, acupuncturists, fitness instructors, herbalists, and MDs.

This article does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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