You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

There is a whole army of truth-seekers out there

(Header Image from Newsweek)

According to Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology:

The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands

Dr. Hotez defines this as:

“Antiscience is the rejection of mainstream scientific views and methods or their replacement with unproven or deliberately misleading theories, often for nefarious and political gains.” (1)

During the pandemic, what were the “nefarious gains”?

  • That we couldn’t be bribed with free donuts, beer, popcorn, marijuana and even gift cards to receive an untested gene therapy? (2)
  • That we as free citizens understood the psyop that was foisted upon an unsuspecting public and refused to play along?
  • What was our nefarious purpose, Dr. Hotez, when refusal to submit to the deadly gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) led to thousands of healthcare workers, military, government employees, and others to lose their jobs?

What did the courageous gain?

What did Dr. Peter McCullough, a highly respected doctor, have to gain by speaking the truth, which led to him losing his position as vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center? (3)

So, it was the “right wing extremists” that have concocted the plan to mislead the public?

I take exception, Dr. Hotez. It was the actions of big pharma that prompted the Kansas Attorney General to sue pharma giant Pfizer:

“Pfizer willfully concealed, suppressed, and omitted material facts relating to the COVID-19 vaccine, the 'most egregious' ones regarding safety of the vaccine for pregnant people, in regard to heart conditions, its effectiveness against variants and its ability to stop transmission.” (4)

Further Evidence:

  • Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D., presented a PowerPoint stating: “The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with the plasmid DNA vector that was used as the template for in vitro transcription reaction.” (5)
  • That we don’t like cancer-promoting ingredients in our vaccines, such as simian DNA tumor virus (SV40). The Florida Surgeon General called for a complete halt to mRNA vaccines because of this contamination. (6)
  • That intentionally left blank package inserts in mRNA vials don’t reassure us that pharmaceutical companies had nothing to hide. (7)
  • 67,608 citizens, including healthcare professionals and private citizens, have signed the HOPE accords, demanding immediate withdrawal of ALL mRNA vaccine technology. (8)
  • What are the “nefarious purposes” of trying to save lives by introducing the “DNA/RNA Vaccine Safety & Sovereignty Act”? (9)

Dr. Hotez, you are no Galileo.

“I mean, not that I deserve the comparison to Galileo, but I'll take whatever I get at this point.” (10)

No, Dr. Hotez, you most certainly are NOT Galileo.

We stand for truth.

In your own words:

“That same U.S.-style anti-vaccine movement is now crossing into Canada with the truckers’ convoy. We're even starting to see it in Central Europe, adopted by far-right parties like the AFD in Germany, some say a neo-Nazi party. This is starting to be a globalized movement. It's even going into low- and middle-income countries now.” (10)

The real disinformation ship is sinking fast. Truth always prevails.

Written By Brooke Lounsbury

About our editorial team

The TWC Editorial team is comprised of various wellness practitioners from physiotherapists, acupuncturists, fitness instructors, herbalists, and MDs.

This article does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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