Public Health Policies Not So Healthy

The Post-COVID Immunosuppression Epidemic
In the post-COVID world we find ourselves in, an epidemic of immunosuppression has emerged. Public health policies initiated at the start of the pandemic have resulted in an explosion of infectious diseases. Masks, “social” distancing, “lockdowns” forcing people to stay in their homes instead of breathing fresh air, and of course, the elephant in the room: the so-called “vaccines” have been the major cause. The irony of all this is that the public was bribed into taking the shot with promises of crispy cream donuts, beer, savings bonds, and entry into the Ohio state lottery. 1
Not once during the entire pandemic was anyone bribed with fresh fruit or any other wholesome food or beverages that I can recall.
Health Impacts
Dr. Alejandro Diaz, a global health expert and immunologist, has witnessed an alarming increase in the rate of infectious diseases, especially upper respiratory infections with a long duration of symptoms. He attributes this to widespread immunosuppression, which he calls “immunocascade,” to the “health” measures taken during the pandemic that led to compromised immune systems, but primarily to the toxic and inflammatory COVID injections. It is estimated that approximately 5.5 billion people worldwide took at least one dose of the “vaccine.” 2
“Outbreaks” and “Critical Mass Formation Psychosis”
- COVID-era policies have led to compromised immune systems, especially in those who received the shot, resulting in a rise in respiratory illness, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular complications, neurological diseases, turbo cancers, and more.
- The mainstream media and medical system are labeling infections that have existed for decades as “outbreaks” (e.g., RSV, Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), and avian influenza H5N1) to stir panic in an already weary public.
The “New” Outbreak: Another Manmade Problem
In a recently published paper, the McCullough Foundation focused on two laboratories that had been studying gain-of-function research on H5N1. The possible (and probable) conclusion was that the outbreaks were the result of lab leaks. 2
Efforts include quarantining and culling millions of birds to create fear and panic.
There is Hope: Turn Off the TV
Even though some will continue to follow the mainstream narrative, the silver lining of the post-pandemic world is that many have awoken from their indifference and are fact-checking the “fact checkers.”
On a social media forum about raising backyard chickens, a concerned member asked how to prevent their flock from getting avian flu. The overwhelming response was, “turn off the TV.”
The Time is NOW to Build Up Your Immune System
A robust immune system, along with preventative measures, is the way to combat the “immunocascade” brought about by the COVID era.
The consistent use of iodine-based nasal sprays and throat gargles can prevent illness while building a robust immune system through lifestyle and nutraceuticals. Help stop the spread by cleansing your mouth and throat to wash away germs and defend the entryway to your upper respiratory tract and lungs. Use as directed with the ImmuneMist™ Nasal Cleanse to double your layers of protection. Each bottle provides about a month’s worth of twice-daily use.