Mpox, Avian Flu, and Covid Aren’t Disease X - Yet

Mpox, Avian Flu, and Covid Aren’t Disease X - Yet

But they all are part of the gain of function research

The Chief Science Officer of The Wellness Company Dr. Peter McCullough has been reporting on gain of function research on all three of these viruses. All three of these viruses have mild symptoms so far. They don’t qualify for the title of disease X- so far.

What is disease X?

Disease X was initially defined as an imaginary disease used to encourage scientists to study infectious diseases that may have pandemic potential.

It is described as a mysterious, not yet-named disease that has been added to the World Health Organization’s list of pathogens and deemed a top priority for research. Other diseases on the list include Ebola, Covid-19, and SARS.

Being a hypothetical disease, the WHO and other players in the future pandemic hysteria stage can stir up all sorts of trouble.

The media frenzy and big pharma feed off the unknown.

Disease X- is an unknown disease with a yet-to-be-determined mode of transmission, unknown incubation period symptoms, and survival rate. But, just like every other gain of function disease, they are working on a vaccine.

Rest assured; they are working on a vaccine

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) (Gates Foundation pledged CEPI 300 million dollars to combat C-19 and future pandemics) and the University of Oxford committed 80 million dollars to develop a vaccine targeting “Disease X”.  The stated goal is to develop a vaccine against” high-risk viral families with pandemic potential within 100 days of a virus with pandemic potential emerging”.

Yep, you read that right

80 million for vaccine research for a disease that doesn’t even exist. The cash cow has landed. You now don’t even need a disease to develop a vaccine for.

Hegelian dialectic at work

  • Create the problem, (gain of function research)
  • The problem takes hold (disease X becomes a reality)
  • Have a predetermined, already manufactured solution (vaccine)

Create the problem(pandemic) through gain of function research and Gates Foundation funding

All three of these viruses have been used in gain of function research:

  • SARS Co-V2 - Wuhan Lab leak
  • Mpox - House investigators find NIH hiding gain of function research.
  • Avian influenza Peter McCullough describes avian gain-of-function being performed since 2021- and earlier.

Eventually, these psychopaths will be successful and release their crowning glory- “Disease X”.

At that point, whether the pandemic is real or imagined, it is in full swing through media hype and total control.

They will provide their “solution”

The vaccine gods will sweep in with the only solution, a vaccine.

Will these new vaccines use another deadly mRNA-gene technology?

Will we fall for it - again?

Are you prepared to take matters into your own hands and take preventative measures?

Lifestyle, nutrition, managing stress, and medications that have been proven to fight avian influenza and COVID are readily available. For now.

The stage is set for a major upheaval. Cyberattacks on our grid and healthcare system have already led to the inability to get lifesaving medications in a timely manner on a small scale. Natural and manmade disasters disrupting the supply chain can make sourcing medications and supplies impossible for a retracted period. Even months.

With all the upheaval in the world, it is imperative you take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Written By Brooke Lounsbury

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The TWC Editorial team is comprised of various wellness practitioners from physiotherapists, acupuncturists, fitness instructors, herbalists, and MDs.

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